What Is PRP Treatment For Hair Restoration? What Are Its Pros And Cons?

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What Is PRP Treatment For Hair Restoration? What Are Its Pros And Cons?

Hair loss is a familiar situation that affects many people, regardless of gender or age. For those who experience hair loss, it can be a source of frustration and insecurity. Fortunately, several hair restoration treatments are available, and one of the most popular is the PRP treatment. PRP treatment, which stands for Platelet-Rich Plasma treatment, utilizes a patient’s blood to stimulate hair growth. 

While PRP treatment has gained popularity in recent years, many people still need to learn about what it entails and its pros and cons. 

What Is PRP Treatment For Hair Restoration?

PRP treatment is a non-surgical hair restoration procedure that utilizes the healing properties of a patient’s blood to promote hair growth. The process involves drawing a small amount of blood from the patient and then cleaning it in a centrifuge machine to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the other blood components. Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is a concentrated solution of growth factors and additional bioactive proteins that facilitate cell growth and tissue repair.

Once the PRP is extracted, it is injected directly into the scalp in the areas where hair loss has occurred. The PRP solution is injected using a fine needle, and the process typically takes about 30-45 minutes. The PRP solution stimulates the hair follicles, which promotes hair growth and can lead to a fuller, thicker head of hair.

While PRP treatment for hair restoration has recently gained popularity, it has been introduced previously. The use of PRP for medical purposes dates back to the 1980s when it was used to treat orthopedic injuries. It was later adapted for cosmetic purposes and has since become a popular hair restoration treatment due to its non-invasive nature and high success rates.

Pros Of PRP Treatment For Hair Restoration

One of the most noteworthy practical applications of PRP treatment for hair restoration is that it is a non-invasive and natural treatment option. Unlike hair transplant surgery, which involves removing hair from one area of the scalp and moving it to another, PRP treatment for hair restoration does not require incisions or stitches. Instead, the PRP solution is injected directly into the scalp, making the procedure less invasive and painful.

Another significant advantage of PRP treatment for hair restoration is that it utilizes natural growth factors to stimulate hair growth. The PRP solution contains a high concentration of platelets rich in growth factors that promote cell growth and tissue repair. When applied to the scalp, these growth factors stimulate the hair follicles and encourage new hair growth.

PRP treatment for hair restoration also has a high success rate compared to other hair restoration treatments. Studies have shown that PRP treatment can significantly improve hair density and thickness, with patients experiencing a 30-40% increase in hair growth. Additionally, because PRP treatment utilizes a patient’s own blood, there is a low risk of allergic reactions or infections.

Finally, PRP treatment for hair restoration requires minimal downtime and has a quick recovery time. Patients can renew their normal activities immediately after the procedure, and any minor discomfort or swelling usually subsides within a few days.

Cons Of PRP Treatment For Hair Restoration

While PRP treatment for hair restoration offers many advantages, there are also some drawbacks. One of the most significant cons of PRP treatment is that it can be expensive compared to other hair restoration treatments. Since PRP treatment requires multiple sessions to achieve optimal results, the cost can add up quickly. However, it’s worth noting that the cost of PRP treatment can vary depending on the location and the provider, so it’s essential to research and compare prices before deciding.

Another potential drawback of PRP treatment for hair restoration is that it requires multiple sessions for optimal results. While patients may see some improvement after the first session, most providers recommend a series of three to four sessions, spaced four to six weeks apart, to achieve the best results. This can be time-consuming and may require a significant investment of time and money.

It’s also important to note that PRP treatment may only work for some. While studies have shown that PRP treatment has a high success rate, some patients may experience little hair growth or require additional treatments to achieve the desired results.

Finally, while PRP treatment is less invasive than hair transplant surgery, it can still cause some discomfort during the procedure. Patients may experience mild pain or discomfort during the injection process, and some swelling or bruising may occur in the days following the treatment.

Seek Professional Guidance

Before undergoing any hair restoration treatment, it’s essential to consult with a medical professional to resolve the best course of action for individual needs. While PRP treatment for hair restoration offers many benefits, it may only be suitable for some. A medical professional can evaluate the severity of hair loss and recommend the most effective treatment options based on individual needs and goals.

Likewise, choose a reputable provider for hair restoration treatments. Providers offering PRP treatment for hair restoration should have the experience and training to perform the procedure safely and effectively. Researching potential providers, reading reviews from previous patients, and asking for referrals from friends and family members can help ensure that a reputable provider is chosen.


If you’re considering PRP treatment for hair restoration, Aesthete Med Spa offers a range of services to help you achieve your hair restoration goals. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing safe, effective, and customized treatment options to meet each patient’s unique needs. We use the latest technology and techniques to deliver high-quality results and ensure patient satisfaction with minimal discomfort. 

Schedule a Request an Appointment with our team today to learn more about PRP treatment for hair restoration and our services at Aesthete Med Spa. We’ll evaluate your hair loss concerns, recommend the best treatment for your needs, guide you throughout the treatment, and recommend appropriate aftercare instructions. Don’t let hair loss hold you back – take the first step towards a fuller, thicker head of hair with Aesthete Med Spa.


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